Source: Flickr.
Anyone can pull a trigger. It takes someone with a gift to be able to use a weapon with precision, accuracy, and consistency. Maybe you’ve heard the expression that “practice makes perfect?” In the world of firearms, it would be more accurate to say that “perfect practice makes perfect.”
Even the best shooters need to work daily to keep on top of their game. Here are some of the best tips that have been offered by professional shooters to help you be able to improve.
The Dummy Ammo Trick
Dummy ammo is rounds that are not live. When you’re shooting targets, mix some of the dummy rounds in with your live ammunition. The dummy rounds will change the way the muzzle reacts when fired. You’ll be surprised the first time it happens, but then your trigger follow-through becomes better because you concentrate on the mechanics of shooting more than trying to hit a paper target that is 25 yards away.
Get Up Close and Personal
The modern gun, combined with modern ammo, is remarkably accurate. Even novice shooters can hit targets at 25 yards with a reasonable amount of precision. Try shooting at a target just 3 yards away instead. Make it your goal to put every round into the same hole. This way you are working on real accuracy instead of relying on technology.
The Coin Flip
One of the main reasons why shooting is problematic, especially for beginners, is due to the fact that many people tend to jerk the trigger as they pull it. This causes the firearm to jerk during the firing motion, creating an inaccurate result. Set a coin on your sights and then dry-fire the gun. Slow, smooth movements will allow the coin to stay in place. Work your way up to faster pulls while the coin stays on to reduce awkward movements.
Movement Shooting
Let’s face it – unless you’re a competitive shooter, if you need to responsibly use a gun to protect yourself, there’s a good chance you won’t be stationary. You won’t have time to throw on your shooting glasses, put on gloves, or get yourself comfortable. You’ll have to grab your gun and go. This type of drill, which has you take 6 different walking positions while firing at targets, is intended to help you get comfortable with firing a weapon while moving with it.
Everyone has their own shooting stance. A sore knee, a bum elbow, or recent shoulder surgery can all affect what a “standard” stance would be, so part of a person’s shooting fundamentals is to address and then compensate for their own weaknesses. Listen to what your body has to say when shooting, make adjustments, and your accuracy will improve.
If you want to know how to shoot a gun better, then get out to the range with these tips in mind and make it happen. That way, should you ever need to use a firearm, you’ll be prepared to do so.
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