Source: Flickr.
Anyone can pull a trigger. It takes someone with a gift to be able to use a weapon with precision, accuracy, and consistency. Maybe you’ve heard the expression that “practice makes perfect?” In the world of firearms, it would be more accurate to say that “perfect practice makes perfect.”
Even the best shooters need to work daily to keep on top of their game. Here are some of the best tips that have been offered by professional shooters to help you be able to improve.
Dummy ammo is rounds that are not live. When you’re shooting targets, mix some of the dummy rounds in with your live ammunition. The dummy rounds will change the way the muzzle reacts when fired. You’ll be surprised the first time it happens, but then your trigger follow-through becomes better because you concentrate on the mechanics of shooting more than trying to hit a paper target that is 25 yards away.
The modern gun, combined with modern ammo, is remarkably accurate. Even novice shooters can hit targets at 25 yards with a reasonable amount of precision. Try shooting at a target just 3 yards away instead. Make it your goal to put every round into the same hole. This way you are working on real accuracy instead of relying on technology.
One of the main reasons why shooting is problematic, especially for beginners, is due to the fact that many people tend to jerk the trigger as they pull it. This causes the firearm to jerk during the firing motion, creating an inaccurate result. Set a coin on your sights and then dry-fire the gun. Slow, smooth movements will allow the coin to stay in place. Work your way up to faster pulls while the coin stays on to reduce awkward movements.
Let’s face it – unless you’re a competitive shooter, if you need to responsibly use a gun to protect yourself, there’s a good chance you won’t be stationary. You won’t have time to throw on your shooting glasses, put on gloves, or get yourself comfortable. You’ll have to grab your gun and go. This type of drill, which has you take 6 different walking positions while firing at targets, is intended to help you get comfortable with firing a weapon while moving with it.
Everyone has their own shooting stance. A sore knee, a bum elbow, or recent shoulder surgery can all affect what a “standard” stance would be, so part of a person’s shooting fundamentals is to address and then compensate for their own weaknesses. Listen to what your body has to say when shooting, make adjustments, and your accuracy will improve.
If you want to know how to shoot a gun better, then get out to the range with these tips in mind and make it happen. That way, should you ever need to use a firearm, you’ll be prepared to do so.
Firearms are a way of life for US citizens. There are enough firearms owned that just about every person in the country has one locked away somewhere. Yet not every gun is the same. There have been several famous guns of the United States that have helped to shape the nation’s history, influence global politics, and make modern life what it is today. Here is a brief look at some of those famous weapons.
Source: Flickr.
This is the classic “six-shooter” that is talked about in stories of the Wild West in the late 19th century. Samuel Colt had already revolutionized the firearm industry with his reusable revolver, improving the speed and accuracy of soldiers so much that he was taking global orders for this gun. No other weapon of this size has transformed how we think of warfare more than this famous US gun.
Source: Flickr.
This rifle is often called the firearm that helped to win the West. It was primarily used by settlers, homesteaders, and others who were trying to carve out their own life in the untamed wilderness. What made it unique as a rifle was that it fired the exact same ammunition as the Colt revolver. This allowed people to own two very different guns, but only need to stock one type of ammo, and that versatility changed everything.
Source: Flickr.
This was a bolt-action rifle that was remarkably accurate for almost any user. It only carried five rounds at a time, but that didn’t reduce the impact a solider could make with this weapon. The US military first introduced this rifle to its troops in World War I. So reliable was this firearm, however, that it remained in use over 50 years later as a sniper rifle during the Vietnam conflict.
Source: Flickr.
During the US Civil War, the southern states were winning victories that they should have never been able to win. This created many larger than life generals who are still celebrated to this day, especially within the old Confederate states. This required the Union troops to have access to a larger than life gun. Once the Spencer repeating rifle was introduced, Union troops could out-fire Confederate troops at a 20:1 ratio on the battlefield since the South was still using muskets. If any one thing changed the course of the war, it was this famous gun.
Source: Flickr.
It can fire 1,500 rounds per minute. Also introduced during World War I, this sub-machine gun is one of the most recognizable firearms in the world today. It’s still one of the most versatile guns that has ever been invented. Is it any wonder that Chicago gangsters would stockpile them? What makes this weapon so dangerous is the fact that virtually anyone can wield it with its minimal kickback. The compact design with a front-trigger magazine is also remarkably easy to load.
Source: Flickr.
When you think of assault weapons today, there’s a good chance you’re thinking about the M16 if you’re thinking of a US weapon. It’s the standard weapon of choice for all US armed forces right now. Its start in Vietnam wasn’t pretty since it had a reputation for jamming in the middle of combat, but over the years those issues have been ironed out and it has become a flawless weapon used by many around the world.
Source: Flickr.
The smallest of the famous guns of the United States, what brings this revolver onto the list is the innovation of its design. Until this firearm was introduced, revolvers were a single action gun. This meant that the shooter had to pull the hammer back every time they wanted to fire the weapon. The .38 Special was the first standard issue double-action firearm, which meant all the shooter had to do was pull the trigger since it did not need to be cocked.
Source: Flickr.
People tend to either really love this gun or really hate it. Issued to troops during World War II, the M1 is a semi-automatic rifle that would fire 8 rounds from a standard magazine. It also saw some service during the Korean conflict. Today you’ll still find the M1 being used for parade formations and other symbolic military events thanks to its good balance and weight… and it doesn’t look bad either.
The most famous guns of the United States have redefined how the world looks at conflict, self-defense, and law enforcement. This isn’t a definitive list by any means – if you could add one more famous gun to this list, which one would it be and why?
Gone are the days when you could just throw your rifle under your bed and call it good. Most jurisdictions require gun owners to safely lock their firearms away when they are being transported or when not in use. This means you’ll need not one, but two different gun safes to meet your needs: one at home and one for your vehicle. Where is the best place to buy a gun safe? Let’s take a look!
There are several local stores within your community that will offer a gun safe to you. Shopping local provides a nice benefit to the local economy because shopping dollars at local stores have a value that’s nearly double. On the other hand, you’ll find that most local stores are selling gun safes that are rather expensive. Even the national chain stores like Bass Pro Shops or Big 5 in the US are going to hit your budget hard. Don’t forget to factor in delivery charges.
If you don’t mind a lack of selection, then a membership store like Sam’s Club or Costco could give you a great deal on a gun safe. You’ll likely need to take the gun safe home with you when you purchase it, which could be problematic if you drive a Prius. Many gun safes found at this option tend to be of the no-frills variety as well, so it may be difficult to find something that meets your needs. Remember to add sales tax to your purchase cost.
There are numerous ways you could pick up a used gun safe on the cheap today. Websites like Craigslist are offering them all of the time. You can also look at thrift shops, stores like Goodwill, and other second-hand locations. Your local police department may also have some contacts that you can look into and perhaps even get a discount on with the right connections. You’ll want to thoroughly inspect a used gun safe, especially within the locking mechanism, to make sure there isn’t damage that could get you into trouble later on.
If you want to combine all of the benefits found in the previous options together, then this is the best place to buy a gun safe today. When you’re shopping online, you don’t get to inspect the gun safe personally, but you do have access to public reviews from verified purchasers to get a glimpse of the manufacturing quality. Depending on your online subscription (i.e. Amazon Prime), you might be able to receive free shipping for your gun safe. Many gun safes found online are 10-25% off the MSRP as well, saving you even more money. You just click, buy, and save.
When looking for the best place to buy a gun safe, it is important to weigh all of your options before finalizing a purchase. Look at the pros and cons of each product, consider each value proposition, and then select the best safe that meets your gun storage and budgetary needs. In doing so, you will have the best chance to be satisfied with your purchase.
Source: Flickr.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” – Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
In the United States, the Second Amendment has become just as important as the First Amendment when it comes to the rights that citizens find important. The issue is one that continues to be divisive as some see the Second Amendment as only allowing states to form their own armed militias to guard against the takeover of the Federal Government.
Others believe that the DC vs Heller ruling in 2008, which allows for the personal ownership of firearms guaranteed by the Second Amendment, doesn’t go far enough to protecting the rights of the individual in this area. Some say that there should be a right to own an unlimited amount of firearms for personal defense.
Is there a right answer in all of this? Here’s a brief look at the history and background of the Second Amendment for your consideration.
The background of the Second Amendment dates all the way back to the 10th century. In the UK, it was a standard operating procedure to arm citizens to make sure revolts didn’t happen at a grassroots level. If an attack from an organized rebellion were to occur, the armed supporters of the crown could rise up against the rebellion and put it down so the king or queen wouldn’t have to lift a finger.
Many would argue that this was the initial purpose of the Second Amendment. The framers of the Constitution saw the benefits of having a well-regulated armed force around to provide security for a young nation. Remember: the initial United States was along the Atlantic Coast and without a full-sized national army; the new government would need to have each state be able to protect itself in some way.
Around the time of the Civil War, the thinking about what constituted a militia began to change. The right to “bear arms” began to apply to the citizens who would form a militia. Some saw it as common sense to give those folks the right to keep arms so they could quell an uprising should it occur. The Supreme Court for several generations interpreted this as a right for any American to join a militia, which would therefore allow them to own a weapon should they be called to participate in a regulated event.
“…It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us.” – Andrew Napolitano
In the 2016 Presidential campaign, candidate Dr. Ben Carson famously stated that mass shootings are simply the price that US citizens pay for the freedom to own guns. This is a reflection of the attitudes about guns that is seen on the right and the left in the modern United States. People believe that since they can own guns, they should load up their home with as many loaded weapons as possible to defend themselves.
Yet when the Second Amendment was crafted, the idea of having a handgun that could support a 30 round magazine wasn’t ever considered. People at the founding of the US owned muskets. Even during the Civil War, repeating rifles could only fire 10-20 rounds per minute. Today you can fire that many rounds in a couple of seconds with the right gun.
Now multiply that ability by 10, 50, 100, or by however many guns a household might be stockpiling and this is why there is such a rift about the Second Amendment today. By 2008, when the right to personally bear arms was decided by the Supreme Court, a different view of the Second Amendment from a historical standpoint has been come to be held by many in power.
Andrew Napolitano sums up this alternative view on the Second Amendment succinctly. “The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us.”
Under the current interpretation of the Second Amendment, almost every US citizen has the right to own a gun. There are exceptions for domestic violence cases, certain felony convictions, and other localized restrictions.
What is not in place is a set of guidance standards for the responsible use of a firearm, with the exception of certain concealed carry permits applications, which require training and the demonstrated use of responsible ownership. This means it is up to each owner to put their best foot forward when it comes to the use, maintenance, and storage of their firearm.
This means proactive steps must be taken to secure firearms from the curiosity of young children. Trigger locks should always be used when a gun is stored around children, even if it is being transported in a vehicle or required for work. A gun safe should be at home with the firearms locked within it in such a way that no one can access the weapon without a combination, the right biometrics, or other security devices.
It also means there is a responsibility to teach children about when it is appropriate to use a gun and when it is inappropriate to do so. Children must be taught that guns are not toys, but aren’t something that should be feared. With responsible use, a gun is simply a tool. With irresponsible use, a gun can easily take the lives of many in just seconds.
100 different people are going to interpret laws 100 different ways. That’s the nature of human existence. What we must do is realize that these differences are what make us strong as a community, a neighborhood, or even as a family. Mass shootings don’t have to be the “new normal,” as some might suggest. Instead of trying to prove that each individual point of view is 100% correct and everyone else is wrong, we can and must work together to find solutions that benefit all of us – including in regards to gun ownership.
Owning a gun doesn’t make someone better or worse. It simply gives them a tool to responsibly use when the time is right. That’s what the Second Amendment is all about.
Source: Flickr.
One of the benefits of gun ownership that most jurisdictions have allowed is the ability to concealed carry a weapon. Before you just grab your favorite handgun and put it into a comfortable holster as you head to work, it is important to remember that there are certain rules and tips that must be followed to make this a successful experience.
Please Note: It may be against the law in your jurisdiction to concealed carry without a permit. If you must file an application to concealed carry, then you must meet your local jurisdiction’s requirements in order to be approved for your permit. This means you may be required to provide proof of ownership, proof of skill, and/or documentation that you have completed prerequisite training classes. Each state has different requirements in the US, so check with your local Sheriff’s Office if you are unsure.
Choosing a firearm is easy. Choosing the holster to carry that firearm – there’s the difficult part of this equation. You can go through dozens of holsters and still never really find one that is completely comfortable for your concealed carry preferences. Don’t just settle for one holster and think you’ll get comfortable with it the more you wear it. That rarely happens. Most people who are uncomfortable will just stop carrying their firearm.
It’s also good to have one holster for each firearm that you own. Although there are general holsters that can adapt to many different firearms, they might not be the best solution for you. Find a holster that you and each of your firearms love and you’ll be better equipped.
Although some might laugh at the idea, it is important to know how your concealed carry setup is going to work. You need to know how it feels and what happens when you encounter different situations. If you lean over to pick up something that has fallen off your desk at work, do you really want your firearm to fall out of its holster on you? Of course not.
Being proactive and wearing your holster full-time around the house for a few days before going out in public will help you get a feel for your setup. You’ll be able to feel how your holster and firearm shift with your natural movements and be able to adapt your body to the changes that it is experiencing.
Take 20 minutes and just watch people in a public area. You’re guaranteed to find at least one or two people that you know are carrying a concealed firearm because they are constantly fidgeting with their setup. These fidgets draw attention to you and the people around you are going to know that you’re carrying a firearm. Although you see a gun as a useful tool, others are very fearful of firearms and may react to you in a negative way.
If your holster is getting uncomfortable, step out of the public eye for a moment and then make the adjustments that are necessary. Keep your hands away from the firearm at all times unless you intend to use it.
One of the best parts about owning a firearm is customizing it. Different sights, slide releases, and triggers can all make a gun uniquely your own. When you’re carrying your firearm, however, these custom additions can also increase the chances of concealed carry failure. Gun manufacturers have created the stock options for each firearm and holsters are designed to fit these stock options. If you want the best chance for your firearm to operate correctly when you first use your concealed carry permit, then limit the customizations until you become more familiar with this lifestyle.
Then, once your firearm has become like an extra body part, you’ll be ready to customize your firearm to your heart’s content.
The goal of a concealed carry permit is pretty simple: for no one to know that you are carrying a gun. Yet beginners tend to act a bit nervous the first few times they are carrying. Focus on your daily routine, try to take a few deep breaths to relax, and don’t feel like everyone who is looking at you is judging you about your firearm.
When you’re carrying a firearm in public, you’re taking on the responsibility of protecting yourself and others from harm. This means you must use your firearm safely and only discharge it as the option of last resort. The news has been filled with stories of concealed carry folks shooting at escaping shoplifters or at misidentified suspects, sometimes injuring or even killing the wrong person.
That’s not a place you want to be. If you feel your life or the life of someone in the general public is threatened, then use your skills and training to safely use your firearm. Is some kid stealing a few movies from Wal-Mart really worth taking a life? Probably not – even if that kid is breaking the law. Justice comes from having a consequence fit the crime, not from your ability to shoot someone down just because you have a permit to carry a firearm.
The news is also filled with stories of people who accidentally discharge their weapon as they attempt to draw it from their holster or as they’re trying to clear their setup. This occurs because people are not actually practicing with their setup from start to finish. When you go to the range, for example, practice shooting by drawing the firearm from the holster.
You’re not going to be wearing the same clothing every day either. You might wear a hoodie one day, a t-shirt the next, and how you’re able to actually use your firearm will be altered by the change in clothing. Practice with different clothing on so that you’re prepared for any situation you may face. Don’t forget to follow all safety rules when cleaning your firearm, including making sure that there aren’t any loaded rounds in the chamber.
Carrying a loaded gun is something that makes a concealed carrier just as nervous as some people who see a gun in public. There’s a fear that the gun will go off at any time and that could cause a painful injury. Modern weapons aren’t just going to accidentally discharge, so it is important to become confident in your ability to carry a loaded firearm in a concealed fashion.
It’s also important to be confident about the laws in your community about how many rounds you can carry. There may be restrictions on certain firearms so that 7-10 rounds may only be allowed. Check local statutes or speak with your local Sheriff’s Office for advice on this matter.
It can be a proud moment to receive your concealed carry permit. Telling your family and your close friends that you received it is only natural. Yet many beginners will post this fact as a status update on their Facebook account. They’ll tell their co-workers. They might even talk about it to the cashier at the grocery store. When you do this, then you’re removing the element of surprise. People know you’re carrying, even if it’s concealed, so you might as well be open carrying.
Even with your close family and friends, don’t mention where you plan to carry your holster. If people know where you’re carrying your firearm, it becomes easier to disarm you.
It also means that more people will start to pay attention to your habits. If you’re not at home, then people will know that you’re likely armed where you are and that there isn’t anything at your place to prevent a robbery. All it takes is one person with ill intent knowing that you are carrying a firearm to start causing you a major headache. If you limit those who know what you’re doing, there are fewer chances for problems to develop.
Sure – carrying a gun is a pretty serious thing to do. It can often be a very stressful experience for concealed carry beginners. Some can even feel so intimidated by the experience that they carry their firearm once and never again. When you’re happy with your setup and confident about your skills, then you’ve already made progress in this area. Keep up the moment.
Some might say that the desire to concealed carry communicates fear. When done properly, what it actually does is communicate confidence. It’s a statement that you value all life and want to protect yourself, your family, and your community. As long as this attitude is consistent, you will be able to have a fun and successful concealed carry experience.
These concealed carry tips for beginners are intended to help get you started or provide you with a friendly reminder of what you should be doing. Stay responsible, do your thing, and don’t be careless with your firearm and you will find success.
Source: Flickr.
With the current state of the world today, it is understandable that many people are thinking about becoming first-time gun owners. Others might be considering an upgrade to their current number of firearms as well. Defensive technologies, such as bulletproof backpacks, have also risen in popularity. The fact is that when you own a gun, you must focus on bearing arms responsibly to counter those who are being irresponsible.
What does it mean to bear arms responsibly? We can break that idea into 5 distinct categories.
This handbook will take you through each category so that you can have confidence in your ability to keep and bear arms. Since 2008 when the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment’s right to own a gun applies to most citizens, there has been a sharp increase in the number of firearms purchased. In the US, there are more than 90 firearms per 100 people.
When you own a gun or pick one up to use it, you’re assuming certain responsibilities, whether they are written down or not. Let’s take a look at these 5 key areas in greater detail so that you can have fun while using a gun – yet still show responsibility while doing so.
It can be exciting to purchase a firearm. It can also feel like an overwhelming process with the number of choices that are available at your average gun store or gun show. When people feel overwhelmed, they tend to take shortcuts as they shop so they can just “get it over with” and bring their firearm home. When that happens, mistakes happen.
Here are the 5 biggest mistakes that gun owners tend to make, especially when we’re talking about the first firearm someone has ever owned.
Source: Flickr.
Safe storage is important when you own a gun. Having kids be able to access a firearm is not a good situation. Would you let kids play with matches around flammable liquids? Of course not. Your firearm should be treated the same way as you would keep your car keys away from a teenager who hasn’t learned to responsibly drive yet.
People are naturally curious about guns. Kids are especially interested in them, but they also have the innocence of not knowing what this weapon can do. You might even need to protect your weapons from the local criminal element who might want them. Here are the best options available to you today to help you properly store a gun safely.
You’ll find that gun safes come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are designed to fit under your bed, while others are designed to be built into a wall. Simple handgun safes that are designed to be portable can often be found online for $50 or less, but they are generally locked with either a key or a combination lock. Adding biometric locks to a gun safe will usually double the price.
If a gun safe isn’t available for whatever reason, then a trigger lock is a safe and effective way of disabling a firearm. Most gun manufacturers have at least one trigger lock that will work. If you can’t find a trigger lock, then look for one that will keep your firearm in the open position so that it cannot be used. The downfall of this storage method is that anyone can pick up or steal the gun, but the lock must be removed before it can be used. Many guns today come with at least a trigger lock when you purchase them new.
If you think that someone may be able to defeat your gun safe or your trigger lock, you can take an extra step or two to render your gun unusable while it is being stored. Taking the bolt out of the firearm and storing it separately is rather effective, as is taking the cylinder out. You can also use a basic padlock in addition to a trigger lock or open lock to make it even more difficult to access the firearm. In a pinch, you can even completely disassemble the firearm and store the pieces in different locations.
If no one has access to your ammunition, then the gun is about as useful as a rock. Remember that even if one round is left in the chamber, the gun is loaded and therefore dangerous. Even if you’ve stored it in a gun safe, a loaded firearm still has the potential of causing damage through an accidental discharge.
It is also important to check on the gun storage laws that govern your jurisdiction. Some states and communities have specific laws about how you must secure and transport your firearms. If a law enforcement official believes you have violated these laws, it is a reasonable enough suspicion to allow for a pullover if you’re in your vehicle. Improper storage that causes injury or worse can also make you personally liable for damages.
Always maintain control of your firearm, especially if it is loaded. Safe storage is the best way to make sure you keep that control when the gun is not needed. Consider these options and then choose the ones that make the most sense for your current needs.
The only safe way to use a firearm is to have the knowledge and skills necessary to operate it. In order for that to happen, time on the range with your firearm must occur. Unfortunately firearm training is often not considered until the purchase of the gun has been completed. If you’re thinking about purchasing a gun right now, then here are some good rules to follow to make sure you are safely handling it.
Hunter safety classes, concealed carry classes, and other training classes are available to help you become more familiar with your preferred firearm. With the right training and by consistently getting the basics right, using a gun can be just as safe as any other hobby. Stress safety at all times and you’ll be bearing arms responsibly.
Source: Flickr.
Millions of gun owners are applying for concealed carry permits every year. Depending on where you live, you may need to fill out a city or state application – and sometimes both – to legally carry a firearm with you that is concealed in public. You must agree to a criminal history background check and will likely need to be fingerprinted as part of the application process.
There are also certain restrictions that might be in place.
If you can meet those requirements and any other specific issues that your local jurisdiction may have, then you qualify for a concealed carry permit. Before you get started on the paperwork, you may want to ask yourself some specific questions about why you want to have a concealed carry permit in the first place.
What is the purpose of me having a concealed carry permit? Many people want a CCP because they want to protect themselves and their family. If your goal is simply to carry a gun with you wherever you go because it’s fun, it’s cool, or it just seems like a good thing to do, you might want to give this some more thought.
What will I do when I get angry? When people get angry, their logical reasoning centers decrease. In basic terms, when you get angry, you become stupid. Your basic instincts begin to operate. If you tend to be an aggressive person when angry, then having a concealed firearm at your disposal could be a bad thing.
How will I respond to people who see my gun? Most people will steer clear of those that they know are carrying a firearm. Because it can be such a deadly weapon, the sight of a gun can make many people nervous. You might see it as a tool, but someone else might see you as a potential murderer. It happens. If that happens to you, how do you think you would respond? If you’d be confrontational, then now might not be the best time for a permit.
Can I afford the application process? In Washington State, you must have a concealed carry permit even if all you do is keep a firearm locked in your glove box. As of 2016, you must pay a fee of $52.50 for a 5 year permit and then pay a renewal fee of $32-$42 to maintain the license. You must also pay replacement fees and all monies are sent to your local law enforcement office. Other states have higher fees. Some states may have no fees at all. Make sure you can afford the application process before starting it.
Is a concealed carry permit right for you? Ask yourself these questions, give the subject some thought, and you’ll be able to come up with the right decision.
When you’re training with a firearm, it is important to protect your eyesight and your hearing especially. A gunshot can register above 150 db, which means instant damage to your hearing may occur. Even though you may only be able to reduce that gunshot to 110-130 db, that’s still low enough to protect your hearing from the loud sound.
Hearing protection comes in three general forms: electronic protection, sound muffling, and sound pollution.
Electronic protection will use a microphone to pick up sounds from your surrounding environment. It will then block sounds that are above a certain level, such as 82 db. When the gun is fired, the electronic protection amplifies the ambient noise, but blocks out the loud noise, so you’re not left with a ringing in your ears.
Sound muffling blocks all sounds from entering your ear canal. Foam ear plugs are the most common form of this PPE, but some earmuffs provide a similar experience.
Sound pollution is a method of countering loud sounds with other sounds that are fed directly into your ear canal. If you are listening to artificial white noise, for example, when you’re firing a gun, your ears will not register the same volume of sound.
Eye protection helps to protect your eyesight from powder damage and other dirt and debris that can be kicked up when the gun is fired. Most shooting glasses are tinted yellow to help reduce glare as you stare down a target. Make sure your eyes have complete protection, including side protection, for best results. If you don’t have shooting glasses, a pair of safety goggles can work in a pinch.
As a final measure of safety, you may wish to wear clothing that will be durable enough to stand up to the firing process and the environment where you plan to be practicing. Gloves, a baseball cap, and other items are commonly worn as a way of making sure there won’t be any unpleasant surprises. Pull long hair back and out of your face as well.
When we own a firearm, we assume certain points of responsibility. In return, we are able to keep our family, our friends, and the public at large safe from those that may intend to do harm. When practicing with a firearm, keep this handbook in mind to make sure you can achieve the best results possible from the best gun to meet your needs.
Remember to properly store your firearm as well, maintain it, and have it repaired immediately if an issue is found for the best possible results. Far too many tragedies occur because of irresponsibility about guns. It only takes a few seconds for a tragedy to happen. Let’s work together to make sure no one else becomes hurt because the safety rules about guns were not properly followed.
That way we can all have fun when owning a gun.
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